BOBCATS Summit Safe Passages

BOBCATS Summit Safe Passages

Published | Posted by Adrienne C Wilson

We're about halfway through winter and our local bobcats have adapted to the cold and snowy season in remarkable ways! Did you know that during winter, bobcats tend to have smaller home ranges? It's all about conserving energy and focusing their efforts on finding food within a more confined area.

Bobcats will often seek out sheltered spots such as rocky outcrops, dense vegetation, or hollow logs to serve as temporary dens during the winter months. These dens provide protection from the elements and may also serve as a safe place to give birth and raise young.
However, despite the challenges of winter, bobcats remain territorial animals. They continue to mark their territory using scent markings and scrapes even in snowy conditions, communicating with other bobcats and potentially deterring competitors.

#FieldNoteFriday #Bobcats #Winter #BobcatFacts #SCSP #SummitCounty

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